Our list of rentals is updated to reflect what is currently available. For any additional questions please feel free to call (707) 442-1313 or email us at: boderents@gmail.com.
Application process:
1. Rental applications can be downloaded from our website under Forms.
2. Be sure to fill out and sign application (bottom of page 3).
3. A $20 non-refundable application fee is required/applicant. Anyone 18 years or older. *Make checks payable to Bode Rentals.
2. Be sure to fill out and sign application (bottom of page 3).
3. A $20 non-refundable application fee is required/applicant. Anyone 18 years or older. *Make checks payable to Bode Rentals.
4. Rental applications can be dropped off at the following location:
Eureka: Bode Suites and Rentals secure drop box - 6700 N Highway 101, Eureka. If using Google maps: the complex for US Foods CHEF'STORE. This complex is next to the Indianola Cutoff - in the first building at the bottom of the outside stairs. Any day of the week. Complex gate hours 6:00 am - 8:00 pm.